7 Critical Steps in Creating a Customer Avatar

A Customer Avatar will save you time and money.

The what, why, and how of a customer avatar, or also commonly called, “buyer persona”.

Whether you are trying to reach your own organization’s goals or push a client to new levels of success, a key element is creating a customer avatar for each organization.

What’s an Avatar?

Customer Avatars are critical to know your audienceDon’t be overwhelmed or intimidated if you have heard the term avatar before in this context. Simply put, an avatar is simply an outline of what the organization’s typical customer looks like. If you’re working with a company with several divergent products or services, you’ll need a separate avatar for each one.

So how do I create an avatar?

Here are a few helpful tips…some would say they are critical.

Critical Steps in Customer Avatar Creation

Step 1 of seven critical steps to a Customer AvatarDisengage a bit from yourself.  If you want accuracy you’ve got to get into the mind of your typical customer.

Step 2 of seven critical steps to a Customer AvatarBe okay with what you learn, no matter what.  It’s possible your actual typical customer isn’t who you think s/he is.

Step 3 of seven critical steps to a Customer AvatarGet some sales data.  Get dirty in it.  Look at what sells, when it sells, in what channel it sells and who buys it.  This should give you a basic picture.

Step 4 of seven critical steps to a Customer AvatarLook at your social media.  Who are your followers and who else do they follow?  This will show you what they like and some insight into how they think.

Step 5 of seven critical steps to a Customer AvatarLook at your competitor’s social media.  Here’s one that many always overlook.  How well do their followers mirror yours?

Step 6 of seven critical steps to a Customer AvatarNow that you know the basic demographic and their preferences, flesh them out with probable life events like finances, marital status and more.

Step 7 of seven critical steps to a Customer AvatarChange is good. Update your avatar as you learn more. A good avatar will evolve over time.

The better you know them the more successful you will be.

We’ve built avatars for all of our clients and ourselves as well. We know you’ll find it an empowering and enlightening process! Once you have your customer avatar, you should start to implement some of the free strategies in the Digital Marketing Assistant Group. Just click here or on the graphic below.

At JVI Mobile, we are passionate about creating and growing awesome social relationships. Tell us how we can help!